Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lip Update-Day 5
So today has been yet another journey. I woke up feeling a lot better. No pain for a few hours. We took Noah to the Redi Clinic because he has an infection on his leg. I was sure it wasn't MRSA but scary anyways. He was put on antibiotics. A few days ago, I decided to watch the PETA video about how we get out meat. It has weighed on my heart for a while now, but I never watched the video. Well, I did and I am a new vegetarian! lol. So Alisha was going to take us to the store to get some fake meat and by the time we got to the parking lot I was in incredible pain again. She turned the car around, and I came in, took more meds and went to bed. When I woke up I knew I needed to pull half the packing material out of my lip like the doc instructed. It brought me to my knees. I am not sure why I would be informed to torture myself in such a manner, but the pain was unbearable. My dear friend had to watch me cry in pain and join my tears. Thank God for her but I also feel incredibly bad because I know how I would feel if it were her in my shoes. You never want to see someone you love endure such misery. I accomplished the goal but do not know where I will get the strength for my appointment tomorrow. From all of the prayers out there I am sure. Right after, Andrew woke up and came to hug me. He accidentally bumped my lip with his head which immediately brought tears. I just wanted to hug my baby, so I did and cried to myself.
Homeopathic Remedies for MRSA
I am currently taking a pro biotic called Sovereign Silver. It is colldial silver. I am taking a teaspoon a day and it says it will boost my immune system and fight off MRSA. I am using antibacterial soap and have sprayed the doorknobs, light swtiches, and faucets with bleach solution. I have also begun doing all of our laundry with color safe bleach. Please post any others you have tried and have had success with and stuff that hasn't worked.
MRSA on Lip Experience
On Wednesday night, I went to the emergency room because my lip was swollen in a major way. What I thought was a pimple turned out to be MRSA. I had MRSA under my arm in February, and was instantly fearful of the pain I knew was coming. The MRSA had not hardened yet, so they just put be on Bactroban, Bactrim (antibiotic), and Tramodol (pain killer). Overnight, my lip got no better. I did the warm compresses as the nurse advised me but still no improvement. I went to the doctor in Friday and he said it needed to be drained. Brad , my husband,was with the boys at home so I was alone and scared. For whatever reason I had little control of my emotions and cried a lot. The doctor was understanding. He told me he didn't like the part of his job where he had to hurt people, and this was one of those times. He gave me a shot of anaesthetic in my lower lip. It was excruciatingly painful. He then squeezed and squeezed and said he could hardly get anything out. He sent me home advising me to go in on Saturday if it got worse. I cried all they way to my car in shock from the pain I had endured.My lip was more swollen then before, in fact the swelling covered my entire lip instead of just one side. When I woke up Saturday, I knew I needed to go back in. I did not sleep longer than 3 hours even in Vicodin, because the pain was too great. I went to the doctor and saw a nurse practitioner who called the doc in to take a look. He thought she may be able to get some more out if she made the incision larger but wasn't sure. I sensed some serious hesitation from the nurse. They suggested I could go back to the er, but I was hesitant because it was going to be another 150 bucks. I followed my gut however and went to the er. Alisha, my best friend, stayed with me because Brad had to be home with the boys. I wished he was there, but thank God for my wonderful friend. We waited forever and finally was seen. The nurse said the anitibiotics I was prescribed wouldn't work and I need IV antibiotics instead. Her bed side manner was lacking and the pain was getting unbearable. I finally received pain medication that relaxed every part of my body. The only pain I had left was in my lip! It was under control but still painful. After a couple of hours I was moved back to a room where the nurse opened the wound up in the front and back of my lip. Alisha held my hand and watched over the procedure, she said to make sure they didn't mess anything up, lol. My guardian angel. When she injected my lip, I literally could not breathe. The pain was almost unbearable. I tried not to squeeze her hand too hard because I didn't want to hurt her, but it was horrible. She was gentler on the squeezing part though. She said she got a little bit out.After she left, I lost it and cried with my beautiful friend by my side. In the midst, the antbiotics began to make me itch like crazy, all over my head and body. Alisha helped me scratch and always got right on the nurses to get me medication. Again, I wish Brad could have been there, but Alisha took wonderful care of me. I am very blessed to have her. I finally got to go home. My lip is packed to keep the wound open to drain. It is starting to hurt again so I guess the meds are wearing off. Time for some Vicodin and sleep.The main reason I am posting all of these details is because I want to journal my experiences with MRSA. Fear is a difficult emotion to have when it comes to ones health. There is little out there about MRSA and I want to eventually have a place for others to share their experiences, and to come for advice. I am trying a homeopathic route as well. It is collidial silver and I am praying it will be effective.Thanks to everyone for their love and prayers!
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